Tuesday, September 6, 2011

You're not a baby. Gracie you're my friend

Last week Gracie started Joy school. I guess there is a legitimate Joy School curriculum, but ours is just a mom preschool rotation. Two times a week they go to preschool and it is at a different house and each mom takes on a different subject. I teach alphabet and writing. Last week I had all the kids and it was pretty hilarious.
She was excited to start and I am sure she had no idea what to expect. 

She is learning so much and the best part about kids learning is the way their face lights up with pride. Then I feel so proud and I have no problem being proud of my kids accomplishments. 

She also started dance again and is doing so well. It is really easy to tell in settings like this that she is getting older (also because her shoes are getting too small and shirts are getting too short). She is excited to go to school (she really wants to go to Williams school). The first week he was back at school she came home and immediately pulled out her girliest movies (Cinderella, Alice in Wonderland, Mary Poppins, The Little Mermaid, etc.) and said, "which one should I watch?" She went all summer without watching those movies and watching what William wanted without throwing a fuss, at all. I had no idea she even wanted to watch something else. So now I need to be careful that I make sure she is getting heard even if she doesn't offer her voice. I try and make sure to read to her everyday cause I know that is what she loves the most.

I love this little girl so much. The other day I heard Russ tell her that everything she does is cute and it is true. She has all this cuteness shoved into that tiny little body and sometimes it is too much to stand and I have to squeeze her and then she giggles this crazy adorable giggle and IT IS TOO MUCH! HOW CAN I BE EXPECTED TO STAND SUCH THINGS?

Having her dancing, singing, commentary, imagination, outfits, laughter, bowing (she has mastered the art of bowing at the most unexpected times), and drawings fill our home is a blessing I do not feel worthy of. Raising a girl in this world is daunting, but I know I have good guides (The Book of Mormon, my Church leaders, my mom, and my mother in law) to follow. Besides that Gracie is just a good, smart girl. She is awesome now in spite of my short comings and I know she will be awesome later and always in spite of them.

1 comment:

  1. This is my favorite: "She has all this cuteness shoved into that tiny little body and sometimes it is too much to stand and I have to squeeze her and then she giggles this crazy adorable giggle and IT IS TOO MUCH! HOW CAN I BE EXPECTED TO STAND SUCH THINGS?"



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