Thursday, September 15, 2011

used to be my playground

My childhood home is not all that far from where I live now (probably 8-10 miles away), but I never have a reason to drive over there. Well, today I did. After dropping Gracie off at preschool I drove by my street and had to turn down it. Just making the left hand turn onto the street brought back crazy nostalgic feelings.
Those trees were calling my name. I miss listening to all those leaves blow in the breeze. There are so many that is sounds like running water.
May not look like anything special, but it is home.

These are the railroad tracks at the end of the street. If Joseph hadn't been in the car with me I probably would have hopped out and taken a walk down them. I spent a lot of time wandering around the trains tracks. 

Just driving down the street looking at all my neighbors houses brought back so many happy memories. It felt so familiar and at the same time so long ago. It made me wonder if this is what it will be like to be a grandma. Is that why people saying being a grandma is so wonderful? Because as you rock your grandchild or even change their diapers you are taken back to when you used to do it everyday. It was something so routine and normal that memories come flooding back and even though you don't want to go back to that stage of life (my  childhood home was perfect for my childhood, but I don't necessarily want to live there now) it is nice to have a reminder of that time? I wonder. I hope our children will love our home as much as I loved mine.

1 comment:

  1. Well said. So true about keeping your childhood home where it is and just driving by because it was perfect then and life if great now.



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