We spent Christmas Eve at our home with some family members. My brother Clint and his family came. His wife's parents came. My sister Connie and brother Eric came and it was a lovely evening. We had soup and hot chocolate, did a small Nativity scene and went to the temple lights.
Here is Gracie not being able to resist the tree, as usual.

Here come Mary and Joseph on the donkey.

What a sweet little Mary she makes.

The wise man.

Bringing gifts.

and there is the Shepard - the best picture I could get of him.

The whole gang.

First Mary was eyeing the gold

Then she ran off with it.

William was kinda having a hard time because he wanted to have Mary and he just sit and look at the baby with the baby in the manger. This is something Gracie was not able to do.

Poor William was getting so frustrated and almost in tears when I realized why he was so upset and got the toy Mary to sit and look at Jesus with him (and removed Gracie from the room so she would not pick up the baby and take off with it.)

After he sat like this for awhile he was ready to go to the temple lights (the others had already left) but he was not ready to take the costume off. So Joseph went to see the temple lights.

Looking at the manger scene and wishing he was in there.

Then he had to come home and get in his jammies and when he did he heard something on the roof. We went outside and sure enough Santa (Russ) was on the roof! William loved it and after he went to bed the adult played a game called Apples to Apples and I wrapped presents. We have a video but it was so dark you can't see much but if you would like to see Russ as santa in years past you can go
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