This last weekend I had the privilege of helping throw a baby shower for my good friend
Angela Hardison. I have not known her very long, but I am so glad that she and I moved into the same neighborhood. She is well known for her talent in design, being crazy stylish, and taking beautiful pictures. When someone appreciates beauty in the world around them as much as Angela does, it makes it that much nicer to throw them a beautiful shower. I think we did it (at least she says she got a little teary when she saw everything)!
Jessica and I were behind all the decorations and such.
And Angela's sister Anna and sister-in-law Lindsey were in charge of getting and preparing all the food. We were going to have two separate showers; they were going to have a family shower and we would do a friends' shower but Anna called me one day and asked if I thought we could do it together. I am glad she called because even though it was large (60+) it was fun and that meant I didn't have to do any food (my least favorite part of party planning).
It also meant that I got to meet and get to know her sister Anna. She is awesome and I decided she is now one of my best friends. Seriously. I went over to her house to pick oranges and chat like three times before the shower even happened.
Some awesome and beautiful guests
I am kinda bummed because I was so busy with everything else I didn't take a picture.
Once at another party, everyone had to introduce themselves and say what kind of nerd they are. Angela said she is a typography nerd so I figured ABC's would be a good baby shower theme for her.
We had boxed lunches for everyone. These boxes that we got from
Paper Mart. We sent out email save the dates prior to sending the invites (which Angela designed and printed herself, but I will post about that another time) and along with it a link to a survey that asked their name, if they were coming, and what sandwich they wanted. This was by far the best response to an RSVP that I have ever gotten. Not everyone replied, but most people did.
We really needed people to RSVP because as favors we gave sterling silver necklace charms of their initials.
Lynette Andreasen made them for us and she made them in Angela's handwriting!! I even got to go and help Lynette and watch her in action. She is one talented lady. Here are the charms before they were finished.
And all polished and ready
Aren't they amazing!?
We needed a few things designed for the shower and I didn't want Angela to do it (we tried to keep everything a surprise for her). I was pretty stressed one night cause design is not something I do or even have the equipment to do. Then all of a sudden it came to me that her lovely sister Rachel who lives in Utah and couldn't come to the shower does design. I emailed her and before I knew it I had the perfect things in my email inbox. I mean look at these place mats!
It was so fun watching her open presents and I brought two chairs cause I thought Clint would probably come. And he did.
Here are some pre-party pictures.
Fabric ties for the boxes
to hold the jewelry
Here is Abe helping Jessica and I get things ready the night before
Abe is Jessica's husband and one of my kids' favorite people. That is why William is cursing him in this picture.
I am glad we got a lot done the night before. It definitely helped things go smoother the day of, but that doesn't mean we were totally ready. If we had been, all the boxes would have been on the table in the pictures:) We were running around like crazy trying to make sure everyone had their food, but once that passed it was a lovely afternoon.
I am really glad I was able to help do this for Angela. She is a women of grace and virtue. Because we both serve together in the Young Womens program in our church I have truly gotten to see her spirit and it is a beautiful thing. She is going to be a wonderful mother. She already is.