On July 30th Gracie turned 1!!! It is so crazy that she is so big now. The Saturday before her birthday we had a family dinner with my family and had cake for her. This is her in front of the happy birthday sign my mom got for her and the name sign I made for her.

This is it a little closer up. I really liked making it, I think I will be making them more often for holidays and parties and such.

This is the suppose to be checkered board cake that wasn't so checker board, but was really yummy.

And Gracie's with her own cake. She was not sure what to think about that candle and the singing.

But she did not hesitate to dive right in.

She ate some of it, but after awhile she was just playing with it.

Here she is sharing with her cousins. It was very fun. We also had a Christensen party the next Saturday but I forgot my camera. As soon as I get the pictures from my father in law I will do another post because that was a very fun evening too. The party was not everything that I had planned, but since I was not feeling my best there were a lot of things I had to scratch. Oh well.
I love the polka dot cake! Doesn't 1 year go by way too fast?! She is a doll.