Tuesday, August 3, 2010


It seems my stomach has popped. I feel very huge, although I do recognize that I am not, it just feels that way to me. Bending over is hard and I spend a lot of time trying to keep my feet from swelling. Russ and I are going to have our pictures taken and I can't decide if I should wear a dress/skirt or pants. How should I do my unruly hair? Any suggestions anyone?

There is a lot going on right now:
  • Still trying to unpack my craft room (why is this so hard for me?)
  • Lots of stuff to do around the house
  • Even more stuff to do to the yard (but we just ignore that)
  • William starts kindergarten on Monday
  • I am having a vintage boutique/yard sale soon (more on that later)
  • My calling in Young Women's (did you know I am the president?)
  • Preparing for a Hypnobabies home birth
There is not a lot of time for much else. But I do hope that all of these things will be documented and expounded on in their own post. For now, I am growing and happy and busy. Nothing new.


  1. I love your natural curl and down of course!

  2. I love your natural curl and down of course!

  3. hey debbie! i would go natural with your hair because i love your hair!! ;) too bad russ doesn't have the fro anymore, that would make for very memorable pictures. :) and you can wear a maxi dress that's flowy and comfortable. :) just a suggestion. i bet you could bring an outfit change if you can't decide what look to go for. :)

  4. So cute. you look great!~ when are you due?

  5. I have that same dress- how fun! I got it for the post-maternity days when nothing fit- I will definitley wear it when I'm pregnant again :)



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