My cousin and friend Chris also came from Idaho and brought along his lovely wife Darcey and their beautiful daughter Penelope. It was so fun to see them again. Unfortunately I did not get any pictures of their cute little girl. She is seriously a doll.
Friday we spent the day at a family Reunion with Russ' family. It was in honor and celebration of his Mothers parents. His aunts, uncles, and a lot of his cousins were there. It was a lot of fun to visit with family and it was really fun for me to learn more about Russ Grandparents. They were really neat people and I am pleased to be part of such an amazing family. We were not able to attend the reunion festivities on Saturday because my brother got married!
My brother Mark married Miss Ashley Dahl.
Now to be honest, I was not sure how I felt about him coming home from his mission and marrying so fast, but after talking with him I realized that there are probably no circumstances in which I would be ecstatic about him getting married. It is just hard (for me anyway) to except my brothers getting married and believe that there is anyone good enough for them. After talking with him and seeing how happy he is, I am happy that they got married. Ashley is a great girl and most importantly Mark loves her and she makes him happy. Congratulations guys!
The wedding was beautiful, I loved everything! The reception was a lot of fun because we got to see a lot of friends and family. William loved the party. Especially running with his cousins.
All the little girls in their little dresses my mom made
Funny Faces!
My happy little girl
Giving me kisses, isn't she sweet?
Two definite highlights of the evening were
1. my dad dancing to The Twist. Connie and I danced with him and I was getting tired, but could not stop until he did.
2. William caught the garter!
Of course I do not have pictures of either of these, but the photographer did so maybe I will have some soon.
Could this weekend have been any busier? I think not.
Dang those kids are cute.