Tuesday, July 29, 2008


Hello friends,
I wanted to write a quick update. I am sure since I have not been posting that most of you have assumed I am feeling like my normal pregnant self, but you would be wrong! I feel great! Great is of coarse relative. I feel nauseous all day long, I have to eat every hour or so and then sit or lay down after I eat so it doesn't come up, I chew gum to get rid of the nasty taste in my mouth, but I have not thrown up once! This is soooo great for me and I am proud of myself and I attribute a lot of this to prayer. I am also hoping that pregnancy gets better each time for me. With William I lost 14 lbs. With Gracie I lost 7lbs. and I hope to loose no weight with this one. I don't feel good, but I will take it, I feel so much better than I have in the past and what I was expecting to feel.
We have been having a blast in the valley first with Russ' parents and now with mine. We have celebrated Russ b-day at Amazing Jake's and Gracie's with my family. Her actual birthday is tomorrow and we will be celebrating with Russ' family on Saturday. Breaking Dawn is coming out on Friday and Russ and I hope to have a quick get away for our anniversary. Oh - we just found out that Russ' Prescott internship fell through so we will most likely be down here. Pictures of everything to come later.


  1. Are you going at midnight to get your copy of Breaking Dawn? I know you're a big fan!

  2. Too bad about the internship...we are still waiting to confirm Ben's 3rd. But HOORAY for feeling relatively good! Give us a call when your back up here if you want to play! And Happy Birthday to Russ and Gracie!

  3. Sorry to hear that feel yucky. I know how you feel. And down here in the hot. I hope you have a great time visiting with family. That is what makes the heat livable.

  4. oh congrats on being pregnant! yea for babies!

  5. Congratulations!!!! Exciting.
    I'm very happy for you. I can tell that you love being a mom and are so happy!!! :) You are a great one!



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