So the after the last post William was seen by the doctor early one morning to find out he had strep throat. Yuck - I hate having strep so I felt
soo bad for him.
Everytime he swallowed he would flinch and the way he would talk sounded just like I would when my throat hurt that bad, like you are trying not to move your mouth when you talk. He would lay down a lot and just wasn't his usual jolly self. On
Saturday we went over to a friends house and William had been on antibiotics but still wasn't feeling well. But even as tired and lethargic as he was he could resist the half pipe.

He would run back and forth with all the strength he could muster and then rest for a few minutes and then try again, and he really wasn't running all that fast.

And this picture that I snapped makes it look like he was doing a fancy jig, but he was just running:)

Russ had a good time on the scooter.

and trying to climb up the 10 ft. drop.

not quite.

So he tried on the other side

and he made it!

We also got to show Russ their AMAZING theater. Besides the fact that it is so beautiful, it has the best picture and sound I have ever seen. Something Russ really appreciates. Luckily William woke up the next morning and was feeling much better. He swallowed and said in a very excited voice, "Mommy I still have a sore throat, but it's getting better!"
I am glad you posted these I didn't get to see you guys playing...I was to busy making sure Gracie didn't smother the dogs with her love.