We had an Easter Egg hunt with Russ' family on Friday.
William and his cousin Jack were pretty excited and had their baskets ready.
Here they come!

I was worried that Gracie might not get it so I explained before hand that she would put the eggs in her basket and Russ told her they were going to "clean up" the eggs. Between the two of us, she got it.
William discovered some candy.
And promptly put it in his mouth.
When Gracie would see an egg she would yell, "eeeeegggggg" and then pick it up and put it in her basket. She did this for a long time and got a lot of eggs. I don't think she would have hunted as long if she knew what was in the eggs.

When William had enough eggs he found himself and seat on the swing and dug in, fast. When I told him he could only eat a couple of eggs he looked at me with his most serious face and said, "I am going to eat all of it right now." We had a talk and he didn't eat all of it, thank goodness. He was hard enough to deal with when he only had a few eggs.

Later that evening when William was going to go potty he obviously waited to long because as soon as he pulled his pants down he started to go and went all over his pants. He was walking around with this in front of him to cover up.
I don't know if he realized that he looked like this from the back.
Luckily Uncle Vic helped him out and he was looking much better after that, but we decided that it was probably time to get going home.

Luckily Uncle Vic helped him out and he was looking much better after that, but we decided that it was probably time to get going home.
It was a lovely day and a wonderful start to our Easter weekend.
Totally random but I love William's red hair. It is awesome. I love when children go on their first egg hunt. It sounds like Gracie hit the jackpot. Good girl.