So I have been meaning to do this for
awhile now. I am not sure why I have been putting it off, but for some reason I just have. Anyway, here it is, my craft it forward. I have a few gifts coming my way so I better get going on this. Here is how it works. I will make something for the first five people to comment on this post.

All the different posts I have seen have been essentially the same with small differences. Here are my rules.
1. There are no guarantees that you will like what I make (although I want you to and hope you will).
2. What I create will be made just for you.
3. You will get it in the year 2009
4. If you comment and receive a gift from me you must also craft it forward with handmade items (food is okay too:) on a blog or facebook.
Let's Play, I am excited!