On October 24th Louise LaVoice was born. Her birth story will have to wait for another time because I am still waiting for pictures and video from the birth.

Here we are seconds after her birth.
This is her at my feet getting checked out by Stephanie and Crystal. I love that she is covered in purple gloves.
While I was getting checked out she was out in the living room getting to know grandmas and grandpas and siblings. Above is a picture of her lifting her head off of pirate grandpas chest.
Awhile after the kids went home with Russ' parents and apparently William was very restless. He couldn't wait to get back home to his new sister. Joseph has had a constant runny nose so he hasn't been able to hold her very much. It has been hard for him and any time he has got to hold her, he is so happy.
Gracie sure loves having her sister here. Getting to know her "nother mother". The first night she was born my mom stayed the night and slept with her and would bring her to me when she needed to eat. The next night Connie did the same thing. I am so blessed.
A few days after she was born the kids had their primary program. I didn't want to miss it so Connie and I came in late and left before the closing song and prayer. The kids did so good on their parts and singing the songs. I am glad I went. Louise did good too, she slept in Russ' arms the whole time.
Later that day we went to my parents so that we could take a nap and have someone to hold Louise and the kids could play. Connie drove and Russ sat in the back and fell asleep with the rest of the kids. William was the only one awake bak there.
One night Russ and the kids were out doing 4H stuff and me and Lou went out and sat on the porch swing in the perfect weather and watched the sunset.
At her one week appointment (one day early). Stephanie had had a hard day that morning and needed baby snuggles. Good thing Louise was in a good mood and just snuggled and cuddled her. The first week of her life was busy (I didn't post about Joseph's birthday or Halloween) but it has also been peaceful and magical.
I just love her. And I love the liederhosen on Joe, and I love Russ in the back seat. That looks SO uncomfortable, but with a new baby you can sleep anytime, anywhere.