I started this post a long time ago and I am not sure when this picture was taken, but I am pretty sure it was the beginning of October. Once I had my baby shower I was done and ready for the baby to come any time.
My mom came and helped me clean my whole house and even recover a rocking chair.
I for got to take a picture of it before I took the arms off.
I kinda liked it without the arms but that would not work so good for nursing. My mom is a genius and came up with an easy way to cover this in a mater of hours.
I don't have pictures of all the finished projects, but they all got done! I can't even believe it.
I for got to take a picture of it before I took the arms off.
I kinda liked it without the arms but that would not work so good for nursing. My mom is a genius and came up with an easy way to cover this in a mater of hours.
I don't have pictures of all the finished projects, but they all got done! I can't even believe it.
Here are some pictures of me stretching before a long morning walk on 10/10/10. I had to try something to see if I could have the baby on this day, but I guess he was not ready.

It was a beautiful morning and a lovely walk though. To keep myself busy since I kept not having this baby I decided to make Gracie some flowers for her hair. Kind of random, but it kept me occupied for a couple of days.
I also have Williams birthday to get ready for next week. I can't believe I am still pregnant. It really hasn't been too bad. I just try to wait patiently and go on with life.
I am ready to be done.
Love love love these flowers, Debbie! Might steal them to put on little fleece hats I've been making for babies in our ward.