That is a greeting my son learned from a friend at school. But that is not what this post is about. My sister Connie and sister in law Ashley threw me a cloth diaper shower. We were already planning a bridal shower with the genus theme Connie came up with, I see London I see France, lets get the bride some underpants. That shower is going to be off the hook and I am sue you will see a post about that when it happens. Anyway I insisted they use the same theme for my shower. 1. Because is it cute 2. Because we had the decor and such for it.
I mean seriously - look how cute. The cloths pins say "I heart Paris" and "cheers" and there are many more.
We had raffle prizes for those who donated to my cloth diaper fund. Everyone was so generous and I am so grateful. I love my new cloth diapers!
a headband made by Ashley - so cute!
A fabric necklace and bag made by yours truly.
An awesome red velvet cake
Making the yummy sandwiches - I have to say also that my mom came and helped me clean my whole house and finish projects I was never hoping to get done. I love her so much for it.
The yummy sandwiches.

Gracie loves to help in the kitchen.
I love the rest of the pictures so much.
Obviously fun was had by all.