December 12th we finally got a Christmas tree.
We had been busy and just never found a time to do it, but I decided we had to go get one that day (even though I was sick with sore throat and fever) or it would get to be Christmas and we would not even have a tree.
William picked out the perfect one!

William helping carry it into the house;)

Gracie was pretty cute putting the ornaments on. She would just shove them into a branch until they stayed.
Hands clasped in excitement.
I don't have a good picture of the tree yet, but it really is beautiful and I really love having a real one. Next year I hope we get the time to drive up north a little and cut down one of our own.
I am a little behind on everything this year. Especially blogging, but I have to try and get some done before Christmas because things only look like they will pick up in January. All fun stuff, though, so I am really excited.
I can't believe how long Gracie's hair is getting! I can't wait till we are settled somewhere at Christmas time so we can have our own tree. :)