I wonder how many times I have blogged about the carousel? Or how many pictures I have of my children riding it:/ It should only increase with it being free every Thursday and us in the process of buying a house about one mile from it:)

They love it so much. A few weeks ago their friends Nathan and Emma showed up after we were already on and William LOVED having someone to wave to each time around. The when it was their turn every time they came around he waved and
CRACKED UP laughing. I mean really laughing. It was very fun to watch.

I mean, could she look happier? I love it when my children are happy. It does a mommy good.

And now the mall also gives the kids a free movie on Thursdays. Last week we saw UP and yesterday we saw it again but we waited until Daddy was done working and our friends the Cox's came too. I
really like that movie.
i love it! they DO look happy. you are great at taking a step back and appreciating the little things about your kids and life. thank you!