For awhile Gracie was smiling with her top lip curled up over her teeth. It cracked me up.

It is just the funniest little face. I have not seen her do it for awhile. I hope she has not stopped doing it for good.

No about her two year old self. I took her to the doctor the other day and I don't have the exact numbers, but she is in the 3-5% for weight - 15% for height - and I think 50% for head circumference. So she is a little top heavy, but she is growing well. She is just tiny. The doctor said that she might reach 5 ft. Can you imagine me having a short daughter. I guess it is possible, but I think she will get taller.

She can climb out of her pack n' play bed and last night after both the kids were in bed and I looked up to see her standing in the living room waving at me with a big grin on her face. But she is not tall enough to open the doors yet so we can keep her in.
favorite song: in the car - Super Massive Black Holes (so cute to hear her say it.)
for me to sing - A whole new world or Part of that World
favorite food: hot dog or pesto ravioli (she calls it ragaolie) or yogurt
favorite color: purple
favorite past time: painting nails, watching a movie, antagonizing William
My favorite phrases: Ooooh sooooo prrreeety and I love you so much.
I can't believe how grown up she is, and fun she is!
She is tiny like a pixie or Alice. I guess we got moms genes after all.