The Elders Quorum in our ward had a camp out and we decided we needed some fresh mountain air. I don't know if it was the air, the drive, or some unseen bug but Gracie got sick while we were there. We borrowed my parents truck with a camper shell on it and slept in the back - all on us:) It was cramped but okay. I never sleep well when I camp (starting to wonder why I think it is fun).

Gracie threw up in the night, but swallowed it and went right back to sleep, it was sad. The next day she slept and would throw up everything she ate (which wasn't much).

William had a great time running around with the other kids there.

These guys made some awesome breakfast. I am used to having breakfast burritos when camping so it was really nice for me.

We were going to head home pretty early and decided to stop at the creek first. It was full of nice
cold water. Here is William tip-toeing through it.

It wasn't long before he was really
playing in it.

Here I am telling him how slippery moss can be...

Here he is figuring it out for himself.

He got pretty wet:)

Gracie enjoyed getting her feet wet, but still was not feeling well.

Here is Russ carrying his wet bum to the car when he wouldn't come himself.

When we drove back threw camp someone informed us that we had a flat tire. Nice. So luckily someone had a compressor and we made it home, but not without Gracie throwing up. And lucky for us she gives quite a bit of warning before she does. We eventually had to stop feeding her which was really hard because she was soooo hungry, but after we let her stomach settle she was able to keep stuff down. This is my last pic from the camp out. Michelle with just a few of the kids that are going to miss her when she moves:(

It was a really fun time and we love being in this ward.
I wish Gracie had been feeling better, because it looks like such a fun place! Glad William enjoyed himself :D
ReplyDeleteWhat campsite is that? We always love to camp near water... the kids can have fun for hours!!!!