Wednesday, January 7, 2009

The man can sleep anywhere

I asked Russ to sit down at the table with me so we could discuss something (probably our to-do list for the next day) and he did, but when we were done talking I looked up and his head was leaning back against the chair and he was asleep. So I opened a book I got from the library that was sitting on the table and browsed through it for about 10 minutes and when I looked up he was like this. The man can sleep anywhere.


  1. That's sick!!! and not fair at all, I want to sleep SOOO bad.

  2. I often wake up in the middle of the night to find Brett asleep face down on his desk. It's so sad! But maybe it's a Christensen trait. He falls asleep so quickly and deeply, I am very jealous!!

  3. One time Jake did that so Hannah and I painted his toenails while he was sleeping. A nice surprise for him when he woke up! Ha!



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