Right now you are 7 years old and it is hard to believe. you are excited to be baptized but even more excited to be a mom! In the past couple weeks you have said a few times, "I just can't wait to be a mom!". You actually made up a whole song about it while you were cooking dinner with me once. You make up a lot of songs and sometimes they never end, you just seem to pause them for awhile. You love singing into the ipad and making videos of it.
You are such a big helper. You always buckle and unbuckle Joe in the car seat. And you also love to unbuckle Louise and carry her inside for me.
You do have a gift for making a mess. You just have some many ideas of things you would like to do but rarely stop to think about the mess it will make. It usually isn't that big of a deal except right now we are trying to sell our house and keep it show ready. Making messes isn't really good for that. So I find myself frustrated with you a lot lately but I am trying to remember that you are just a child and I need to be patient.
This is a picture I took one night when you were the last to finish dinner. You are usually the last. You are a very slow eater. I think that is because you can't eat and talk at the same time.

We were doing math one day and counting by 10's starting with 2. When we got to 102 you said "tenty-two". It was pretty funny and we both laughed quite a bit.

This is you and Joe playing Peter Pan and Wendy with a thimble for a kiss. You and Joe play so much together. That is something I have loved about home school is how much time you get to play with Joseph. you guys can play and play and play. I love how dirty your feet are in this picture.

You are also so sweet with your baby sister. You and Louise really love each other and you love to take care of her, teach her, and help her. Here you are sharing your twinkie with her that she wanted so bad.
One night as I was going to bed I saw this note written to me and dad with lipstick. You love to write sweet noted to people and you love to ask me questions using notes. Like yesterday in church you gave me a note that asked if we could please watch a movie when we got home.

You have been asking for a while to learn how to sew and I finally started teaching you. You have done really well with learning to control the speed of the machine. It will be awhile before you are doing the cutting, pinning, and ironing. But one step at a time. I know you will be a great sewer because you love to create.

Here you are very proud of your knew skirt.
You still bring so much happiness and joy to our family.
I love you,