Since we have had a contract for the house we are buying (okay before that:) I have been collecting pictures from the internets for inspiration for how to decorate it. I have decided to put them up on my blog so that I can view them when I am not home.
I will not be posting the links where I got these pictures mostly because I got them from places that were not the original source and I just don't know where they came from. If you want me to take anything down let me know and I will do so right away.
I am starting small with the kids bathroom. There is wall paper that needs to be taken down in there (bleh) but I found some tips to do it fairly easily and frugally. This is the main color inspiration.

This is how I want to do it. The toilet and bathtub and in a separate area with a door. I want to paint the door like this one and have the little room yellow and the sink area blue
ish. I am not sure about the door color. What do you think black or something else?

We could do a different color. This is a (bad) picture of the shower curtain we will use there.

Oh, and these are some things I found thrift store shopping in Flagstaff. I think they will look cute with the blue-
ish walls.

This is just another picture of colors together. So pretty.

And then I want these cabinets with the built in stools. I already showed my brother that works magic with wood and he is pretty sure he can do it.

Our bathroom will look nearly nothing like the pictures poster here but it should be fun to see how close I get to my "inspiration" rooms.