Friday, October 31, 2008
Thursday, October 30, 2008
Adventures in Carousel riding
Today has been a good day.
Saturday, October 25, 2008
Hows it goin'?'s goin'.
- Friday - Russ finished his internship at the outpatient Kempton Physical Therapy. It was a place that he really liked and it was nice that is was close enough to us that he could get there in 3 min. on his bike. I spent all day on the phone with moving truck companies and stressing over how we were going to move all our stuff down from Flagstaff. When Russ gets home at 7:00pm (something I will not miss about Kempton PT) we decided that Connie would watch our kiddos and we would leave that night to go to Prescott.
- Saturday - Wake up in Prescott after an enjoyable late night of catching up with our friends Chris and Brittany. Russ and Chris are already gone scouting and the rest of us go to the swap meet and I got a few treasures. After watching Trenton's soccer game and lunch Russ and I head off to our apt in Flag and start packing.
- Sunday - we wake up and pack some more. Then we went to our first ward in Flagstaff for Sacrament meeting and realized how much we loved that ward. Then we went home and packed until we were done. I was getting really nervous that all our stuff was NOT going to fit in a 12' truck and some stuff would get left behind.
- Monday - wake up and start cleaning the apt and packing some more. 10:00 we go to pick up our Penske (recommended) 12' truck. The guy brings us a 16' truck and I feel some excitement and am tempted not to say anything but when it is brought up that it is the wrong size truck the guys says that this is all they had some when got it for the same price. I walk around feeling extremely happy and blessed. Now packing can go much faster with out the stress of arranging everything just so, so that it will fit. And that is what we did the rest of the day. Load! We left around 6:00 pm I in the car and Russ in the truck. On the way home I got call about some scary news about my sister in law and the baby she is expecting in 20 weeks. I had a prayer in my heart the whole way home. (She is now home and on bed rest praying that she won't get an infection). When I got home my feet hurt and both my kids were asleep in their beds.
- Tuesday - I woke up to see my kids! I missed them. My brother and mom and dad help us move out into the house we hope we will be renting. They are letting us keep our stuff there until we find out for sure, I will post about it when it is more sure, but lets just say I am real excited. I also witness a crazy police chase that ended up on my moms neighborhood. Crazy.
- Wednesday - We return the moving truck, did rearranging, errand, and Pushing Daisies - ahhh refreshing.
- Thursday - we went to the mall, watched my niece Vaeh, got Russ' scrubs for his next internship (highway robbery what they charge for those things) and I worked some more on my Halloween dress.
- Friday - I go looking for second hand scrubs and other things and buy stuff so Russ can take off around 1:00 to go to Prescott to hunt (no comment). I take the kids to Ikea for lunch (we were close to it because I had to drop Russ off at the car he was taking to Prescott) and found a great duvet cover in the as is section that I will be using to make something really fun, but that is for another day.
- Saturday (today) I just got back from making and taking lunch to the band and crew for this benefit concert. Then we are headed off to my moms to work on some stuff and then I am leaving my kids there so I can go to this concert all by myself.
*funny how at the beginning of this post I used the word "brief".
**my favorite part of this week was the time I spent alone with Russ. Even though, it was not a relaxing vacation, I like to work with him and it was nice just to be with him.
Wednesday, October 15, 2008
I got something done!
And here it is with my fairytale pumpkin. Ahhh, I love it. At first I was not sure what I was going to "write" on the banner, but this settled it for me.
Hello Curly Q
And look at these cute little curls. They don't stay too long. As soon as she lays down, rubs her head on me, or plays in the cloths hanging in my closet they almost disappear. Only a small curl on the end remains. I still love trying to do it everyday though.
Tuesday, October 14, 2008
Never Fear! Batman and Robin are...
Since these guys are going to be Batman and Robin, Gracie and I are going to be Poison Ivy, and Cat Woman (which basically means and black kitty, which works out well cause the LOVES kitties). And don't worry this Poison Ivy will be wearing a dress, NOT a leotard. Actually I need to go get sewing on that dress right now.
Monday, October 13, 2008
A long day
Here is William with Carter reading Batman books, they are both going to be Batman for Halloween.
Playing with Penelope
Friday, October 10, 2008
Oh my Grace

She brings me books to read to her all the time and she always backs her little self up to my lap, she HAS to be in my lap while I read her a book. She says "mow mow" when she sees a cat. In one of her stories it says that the mother bear kisses her baby bears head and Gracie always leans in and kisses the book.
The other night during a family pre-bed wrestling session I realized that our family would be so incomplete without her little pop belly on top of the dog pile and without the sounds of her little squeal. Squeal on my dear.
Monday, October 6, 2008
Breath of fresh air
I got a request to make a doll house tote on etsy, but she kinda wanted it to resemble a castle and I had to get it done super fast to make sure it got to her by her daughters birthday. It kinda stressed me out to have that pressure but once I finished it, I felt good.
But the freshest of the air came when I got to watch and listen to General Conference (a conference that our church holds twice a year where our apostles and leaders speak to us). I welcomed it with open arms. You know you are growing up when each session ends and you say, "that's it? its already over?" This wasn't the first time I felt that way but it makes me laugh to think about how long it seemed when I was younger.
On Saturday we watched Conference at my in-laws and that evening Russ went to the Priesthood session with his Father, brother, and nephew. Then we had dinner together. Sunday we got up early (ok, we were actually late) and went to my parents. While I watched both days I got a Christmas present half way done! This is a big deal. I decided that this year all the Christmas presents I give will be hand made, so you can imagine that I have a lot of work to do. I had one gift that I feared would take a lot of time, so to have it half way done feels very good. I will spending pretty much all my spare time from now on doing Christmas presents. Whoo hoo! Christmas!
New Buddy
They got them for their garden and the kids had a lot of fun looking at them and counting them.