I was trying a homemade, more natural dishwashing deturgent and Russ was dying. It left a gross film and I probably could have lived with it longer than he did, but he hated it. He asked if I could please buy normal detergent. So I went to the store and usually I get the cheapest kind (remember, I'm cheap) but this time I thought that I would make Russ happy and get something that worked. I saw this box that said "no pre-wash needed". Well I HATE to pre-wash my dishes. What is that all about, "pre"wash. Why don't we just call it what it is, washing your dishes twice. Once with soap and once without.
I came home with this stuff and said to myself and Russ, "I am going to put this to the test. I let pans sit and dry with the food in it and I did not rinse it or even get it wet and guess what? It came out clean!!! I love it! I never rinse anything. Just think of all the water I am saving! As soon as I am done using something I just throw it in the dishwasher. No more stuff in the sink. Sometimes I catch Russ rinsing and have to run in and turn the water off and scold him.
This may not be a big deal to anyone else, maybe you all have been living the good life for quite some time now. But, if you have been like me trying to save a few bucks let me tell you now- It is NOT worth it. Go and get Cascade Complete.