A couple of weekends ago Russ was done with his internship and it was the last week that I could travel becasue of the pregnancy, so we decided to go down to the valley to spend time with family. We spent the first couple of days at my parents. I was able to hang out with friends, swim a lot at my parents, we also helped my parents spread the rubber chips in their back yard.

William was jumping on the tramp and all of a sudden he yelled, "oh no, my pants." I looked up to see this...

And we got to see family. Look at this little cutie. She kept sitcking her tounge up and she was getting a red spot above her lip.

After a few days we spent some time at Russ' parents house. William loved the kitty and would spend a lot of time looking for her. Here he is under the table looking for her.
We also went to the park and fed the ducks and fish and birds. Russ caught a bird and William loved it. I think he loved the birds the most.

We also celebrated Russ' dads birthday and that was fun for William. My camera was dead so all the pictures are on my in laws camera but I may have to add them later because they are cute. I also got the chance to see my cousin Jacie who is about one week less pregnant than me. I have never really seen her big and pregnant before so that was fun. But technically I don't think I will ever see her "big" and anything. She makes me look like a giant.

This picture is funny because Russ was taking pictures of us and wanted us to touch tummies. Jacie was not sure about that and we had a lot of laughs trying to do it, or just thinking about it. It never really happend. All in all it was a very fun week.