Friday, June 22, 2007
Oh-My-Gosh! Look at that dog!
So last night we went over to some play games with some friends, I couldn't stay very long because I had my book club. I had forgotten until we got there that Russ told me they had a huge dog. I was so amazed ny the size of this dog. I have never seen one this big before, or this well behaved. This was by far the best dog I have ever met. No jumping (thank heavens) licking, or barking. He could have walked right up to me and licked my face off without even lifting up, but he didn't. He would sit when he was told and get away from William when he was told. William liked him a lot. He did get scared once though because he took off running in the back yard and naturally the dog ran after him. It only lasted for a few moments, but it scared him. Russ pointed out that it would be like a horse with sharp teeth chasing us. Anyway, I loved this dog. They had two others that were a little more hyper that I did not see. I don't think I have ever been so impressed by an animal before.
My funny little boy
I love the picture of him with Elmo because it is something he does that reminds me of, ME! Everything he does reminds me of Russ but this is all me. I sleep with a body pillow and the way I see him snuggle with Elmo is so much like I snuggle with my body pillow. Poor Russ:(
Tuesday, June 19, 2007
Utah Trip
William and I got back from our Utah trip yesterday. It was only for the weekend and was a long drive for a pregnant woman and a two year old, but it was fun. We went with my mom and dad and sister. I didn't take a lot of pictures but oh well. We were able to go to a cousins wedding reception and see my other cousins little girl play Cosette in Les Miserable in Salt Lake. She did a wonderful job and the whole cast was great. I really love Les Mis so I was glad I was able to do that. We also just got to chill and see a lot of family we don't normally get to see.
This is William hanging out with my aunt and uncles kitty. He really likes cats, especially ones that will let him pet them (which he says "pep um").
As soon as we got to our hotel he started bouncing on the bed and then looked at me and said, "it's too hard." I agree with him, it was too hard. William was also pretty excited because he got to sleep in the bed with me. He has only slept by me when we went camping. I was not sure it would work and I was pretty restless waking up every now and then to make sure he wasn't going to fall off the bed, but he slept just fine.
Here is William waiting for the light rail to come. He was sooo excited to ride the train. I wish we had one were we live.

William has learned to count objects up to 10. When he would do it we would clap for him and he would clap for himself. His excitement was so intense that he could not keep his mouth closed. Anyway, it was a fun trip and I am glad we got to go.

William has learned to count objects up to 10. When he would do it we would clap for him and he would clap for himself. His excitement was so intense that he could not keep his mouth closed. Anyway, it was a fun trip and I am glad we got to go.
Wednesday, June 13, 2007
Enrichment is Done! - for now
We just had our Enrichment last night. Man, am I glad to have that over with. Don't get me wrong, I love my calling, maybe a little too much. I just don't have a committee yet and there is a lot to do, so by the time it is over I am glad. This was a BBQ were we invited all adults so guys could come too. The tables and seats were numbered so that different people would have to rotate while we played a get to know you question game. It was fun. A little too windy for my taste (I had to spend time taping down table cloths and I hadn't been planning on that.) I also learned that Chinese lanterns are great, but not when they are in reach of children, probably best if not in throwing distance either. Kids can't seem to resist them. Kids were not invited, but by the end the nursery was outside with us. My was out there from beginning to end. My theory on that is that all the kids saw the party before they went into nursery and they were not going to stay. All in all it was a success and I am already planning the next one. You can never be too prepared right?
4 Eyes!
After the funeral was over and we stuffed ourselves full at the luncheon we were sitting lazily in the foyer when William discovered a bag of somthing in the corner. Someone said, "what is that?" and I look up to see this.
He had found a bag of glasses that was going to be donated somewhere. I was laughing sooo hard that is was difficult for me to take the pictures, but we had a nice little fashon show put on my the one and only, William! I hope we didn't hurt his eyes. (his teeth are nasty because he had just had chocolate cake.)

He had found a bag of glasses that was going to be donated somewhere. I was laughing sooo hard that is was difficult for me to take the pictures, but we had a nice little fashon show put on my the one and only, William! I hope we didn't hurt his eyes. (his teeth are nasty because he had just had chocolate cake.)
Grandma's Funeral
William lovin on his cousin 

On May 31st my Grandmother passed away. She is my dads mom and the last living grandparent for both my husband and I. I did not see her very often towards the end of her life, but when I did I knew that she wasn't feeling well at all. I am glad that her body is at rest and that she is with my Grandpa. Going to her funeral made me wish that I could have known her better. She was such a funny lady, whenever I think about her it makes me smile. She was the kind of person who said what was on her mind and didn't think too hard about it before hand. A funny story that I always think of is when I was younger and we were watching Forest Gump and an embarassing part was coming up so I got up to leave. My mom pointed out what I was doing and then my Grandma yells, "whats the matter, Debbie? They're only making love." Thanks grandma, I didn't realize that.
The Funeral was nice. She did not even want one so we kept it short and sweet. It was nice to see family, as it always is at fuerals. One of the best parts was that my sister Connie came up to stay with us for the weekend. I was sooo glad. I'm not sure who was more glad, me or William. Russ was pretty excited too. It has been nice to have my sister be my best friend my whole life, but even better that my husband and son love her as much as I do. What a blessing. I didn't take any pictures except the one of William waiting outside for her, even though she wasn't coming for awhile. When she did get there we were on our way home from picking Russ up so she was standing outside our door and William went running to her. The whole time she was here he wanted to know where she was. He would wait outside the bathroom for her and when we were eating dinner the first night he said, "Connie came home." Thats how I felt too.

On May 31st my Grandmother passed away. She is my dads mom and the last living grandparent for both my husband and I. I did not see her very often towards the end of her life, but when I did I knew that she wasn't feeling well at all. I am glad that her body is at rest and that she is with my Grandpa. Going to her funeral made me wish that I could have known her better. She was such a funny lady, whenever I think about her it makes me smile. She was the kind of person who said what was on her mind and didn't think too hard about it before hand. A funny story that I always think of is when I was younger and we were watching Forest Gump and an embarassing part was coming up so I got up to leave. My mom pointed out what I was doing and then my Grandma yells, "whats the matter, Debbie? They're only making love." Thanks grandma, I didn't realize that.
The Funeral was nice. She did not even want one so we kept it short and sweet. It was nice to see family, as it always is at fuerals. One of the best parts was that my sister Connie came up to stay with us for the weekend. I was sooo glad. I'm not sure who was more glad, me or William. Russ was pretty excited too. It has been nice to have my sister be my best friend my whole life, but even better that my husband and son love her as much as I do. What a blessing. I didn't take any pictures except the one of William waiting outside for her, even though she wasn't coming for awhile. When she did get there we were on our way home from picking Russ up so she was standing outside our door and William went running to her. The whole time she was here he wanted to know where she was. He would wait outside the bathroom for her and when we were eating dinner the first night he said, "Connie came home." Thats how I felt too.

Monday, June 11, 2007
Sunday, June 10, 2007
Thursday, June 7, 2007
Day to Day
Here is some pictures of Russ and I making Sunday dinner. I like it when Russ cooks with me. He makes everything more fun.
William has been eyeing his first Halloween costume for a long time, but whenever I ask him if he wants to put it on he says, "no". Then I showed him a picture of him wearing it a few years ago and he decided he wanted it on. It is kind of snug and kind of warm, but isn't he adorable?
Flashback - William for Halloween 2005 (almost 1 year old)
Wednesday, June 6, 2007
Tuesday, June 5, 2007
Train Boy
Boy, does our boy love trains! This is him playing with the tracks at his Grandmas house. The other night we went to the mall to let him play on the playground. When we were walking through the mall I noticed William wasn't with us anymore and I look back to see him following a boy that had a Thomas shirt on. Later we went to get ice cream and some spilled on his shorts. When Russ wiped it off William shouted "Thomas" and the wet spot did remarkably look like Thomas. Unfortunately I didn't have the camera. The next day we went to Williams first birthday party. When we got there he just started walking around saying, "where's Thomas cake?" I'm trying to teach him that not everyone will want or have a Thomas cake. He seems to think that is all there is. And anytime someone says they have a present for him he says, "Thomas present." I think he is a little obsessed.
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