Monday, May 21, 2007
Road Trippin'
These are pictures from a few weeks back when we went to visit our parents. Don't worry, the blue berries clean up with just a wipe. The pool or the "cool" as W calls it, is so fun.
Straight A's

R finished another semester and we were both pleased to find out he got straight A's. He works very hard, but I am so happy that he has not been stressing when it isn't necessary and spending a lot of time with us too. He is so great. Just to give some of you of the kind of guy Russ is, at school he had the opportunity to apply to be a TA next semester which would give him a significant discount on tuition. At the beginning of the year he was excited about it and planning on doing it. As the year went on and he realized that some of his fellow classmates pay out of state tuition and that is a lot more. He decided not to apply because he didn't want to get it if someone from out of state could. I was really impressed by that. Most people just seem to think of the ways it could benefit them, but he thinks of others and I think that's great!
Monday, May 14, 2007
Thank Heaven for good books

So starting Wednesday (the day we left to go camping) I had what felt like a UTI or bladder infection. For those of you who don't know what that feels like, it feels like you have to pee really bad all the time and kinda burns when you do. I stopped by the lab on our way out of town to leave a sample so the Doc. could figure out what it was and get me some medicine. I must say I handled camping pretty well. Mainly because I would ignore the urge to go. Friday came and we went to see Thomas a still I did pretty dang good. The doctor called and said that my results were normal. What? Then what was I feeling like this for? Oh well. But then we got home Friday night and it started to hurt, a lot worse. I spent a lot of time laying down and reading the book I am re-reading right now. I was able to sleep that night but woke up Saturday feeling pretty crappy. Russ had a lot of homework he had to get done so he took off to the library and I called the after hours doc. When she said that she had no idea what it could be and that it might just be pregnancy pain, I called Russ in tears and he came home. I knew this wasn't just pregnancy pain, because I have that all the time. I drove myself to the E.R. and they sent me up to labor and delivery and I left a sample and continued to read. It helped me because even though I was very uncomfortable and in a lot of pain it gave me something else to think about. When the lab came back they said there was a lot of blood in my urine even though I could not see it. They gave me a prescription for bladder infection and told me to come back if the pain got worse, because it might be stones!I knew that it most likely was because I was already feeling worse, but I went home anyway. There I just laid on the bed and rolled around unsuccessfully trying to get comfortable and rid myself of the pain. Then Russ took me back to the E.R. and of course and soon as I was at the check out counter my pain was almost completely gone. I was confused but I was staying, because I knew once I got home it would come back. So again I lay in bed waiting to have an ultrasound to see if there were any stones and Russ needed to take W home and feed him so there I was with my book and a huge glass of cranberry juice.Mmmmmm. So there I read until I had to go to the bathroom and when I went, sure enough there was a little stone in the toilet. I told the nurse and she said it looked like it. So then I just had to wait and wait to go home and again luckily I had my book. So everything is fine now and I have passed a kidney stone. The pain was bad, but not worse than labor. The baby is fine and I feel mostly okay, except the medicine I have to take makes me kinda sick, oh well.
So anyway this fabulous, wonderful, and mesmerizing book that saved me from boredom was none other than Twilight, by Stephenie Meyer. I suggest it to everyone. I have already read it and its sequel, New Moon, and decided that I blew through them too fast to really enjoy them. So now I am reading them again and suggesting them to anyone else who reads this blog. You won't be disappointed.
Sunday, May 13, 2007
A Day out with Thomas!
This last Friday we had such a fun time at A Day Out with Thomas. I was so excited for this day to come because I knew how much W would love it, and he did! He was a little shy when meeting Sir Topham hat, but he was soooo excited to ride the big Thomas. When we were in the gift shop he loved watching the trains go and nearly grabbed a Thomas place mat out of a woman hands. Since it was most likely the cheapest thing there we decided to get it for him and he loves it. The sun was pretty bright, but other than that it was a good and fun day that we will remember for a long time.
On Wednesday R was finally done with his last final. Yea! So we packed up and went camping. Good thing we went with great friends who were totally prepared, or we might not have had so much fun. They just happened to have an extra tent, two seeping bags, and a blow up mattress for us. Plus they provided the guns, which was a lot of fun for R. W did really well. Right before he went to sleep he lifted up his head and said, "this is awesome". He did wake up a couple times in the night because it was cold, but he just wanted a couple of songs and then he would lay back down by me and go to sleep. He was pretty excited that he slept in the trees. It is something we will have to do again sometime.
Tuesday, May 1, 2007
Who is the boy that I love
I just can't believe how fast my little boy is growing. There are sooo many things that I love about him that it would be impossible to put them all on my blog, but I am going to try and name a few. He is so smart, he learns a dozen new things everyday and remembers them all. I love when he looks at something and says, "look at all the colors!" The other day we were driving past a tractor and he said, "I can't pick up dat tractor, dats too big". I had never said that before to him, so it made me laugh. He has also expressed his desire to walk in the sky a few times, though now I think he knows it is not going to happen.
He is so loving. I love when he is watching a video and he asks me to come sit with him and he snuggles on my lap or we just lay on the couch together. Sometimes he still requests me to hold him by saying, "ho-chee", and even though that does not oten seem appealing to me, it still melts my heart when he says it.
He has started to sing more and can say so many of the words. I try to get him to sing all the time. Sometimes he is on key and other times he's not, and I love it both ways. He can sing pretty much all the words to I Am A Child of God (or gone, as he would say). I saw on the program in Stake Conference that we would be singing that and I told William. When it was time he sang all the words he could and when it was over he kept asking to sing it again. I don't think there is anything sweeter than hearing him sing church songs and listening to him pray. Both get me pretty choked up inside.

He loves Thomas the train and any train for that matter. He is starting to use his imagination and I love that. He will ask to go outside and take his Thomas and another toy like his airplane and roll them around in the grass. I hear him say things like, "want to go park?, Okay, let's go." Or somethimes he gets stern and says, "I said right now!" I have no idea where he learned that.
I just can't believe how fast the time flies and how rewarding it has been to be a part of his life. No one could have prepared me for this.
Faith in Action
This past weekend we had a Faith in Action day where a lot of faiths came together to do service projects to help clean up our town. I was excited for this opportunity to serve and that W was big enough to help. He would walk around and pick up trash, but spent a lot of time looking at worms. The weather was perfect, sunny but not too hot, and we had a lot of fun.
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